
At Panasonic, we believe that the best air conditioner is one that works quietly and effectively in the background whilst minimising its impact on the environment. People who use our products can look forward to many years of high-quality performance without the need for constant maintenance.

As part of our rigorous design and development process, Panasonic air conditioners undergo a variety of stringent tests to ensure their effectiveness and long-term reliability. Tests for durability, waterproofing, shock resistance and noise are conducted on component parts and on the finished products.

As a result of these painstaking efforts, Panasonic air conditioners meet even the most demanding industrial standards and regulations in every country where they are sold.

Applying advanced technologies that truly make life better, we live by an unparalleled commitment to product quality. Our approach to product development originates in the DNA of Japanese craftsmanship.

Panasonic is building on the Japanese tradition of uncompromising quality control worldwide, developing and manufacturing fine products and delivering them to customers everywhere.



At Panasonic we know the importance of a long service life with minimal maintenance. That’s why we subject our air conditioners to a wide range of stringent durability tests.


To keep every person in the room comfortable, Panasonic designs its air conditioners to work quietly in the background, without making their presence known.

Quiet Operation

Panasonic systems are amongst the quietest in the world, so you can enjoy the comfort of running your air conditioner at night and still have a relaxing sleep. The outdoor unit is also very quiet which means you don’t have to worry about keeping your neighbours up either.

Energy Saving Technology

Panasonic combines Inverter Technology and Economy Mode* to create a powerhouse energy saving product. These clever technologies benefit both the environment and your power bill, so your green intentions don’t have to prevent you from living a comfortable life. Cleaner, Healthier Air As well as a cool, comfortable home, a Panasonic air conditioner provides the ultimate peace of mind. The Anti-Bacterial Filter* eliminates unwanted contaminants to make the air healthier for you and your family.


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